Articles, Blogs, Real Stories & Exaggerations

These stories are from a time when I had a passion for sharing my life with others to inspire travel at home & abroad. I still believe traveling makes people kinder, wiser & happier, but presently, living life has taken priority over sharing it … for now.

Travel Stories

White Sands Lunar Eclipse

We drove 563 miles from Yuma, Arizona to Alamogordo, New Mexico chasing the lunar eclipse after a chance encounter with a photographer we met at the Grand Canyon. After sleeping in a Wal-mart parking lot, driving for 8 hours and frantically hunting for a tripod, we arrived at the White Sands National Monument visitor center…
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The Grand Candy!

At 277 miles long, 18 miles wide and more than a mile deep, it’s hard to fully appreciate the grandeur for which this monstrous canyon is named. During our 6-hour hike into its depths, we saw but a sliver of its grandiose. It’s one thing to take a photograph of this beast, but it’s whole…
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Arches National Playground

American, Featured
The funnest piles of rubble you will ever encounter, Arches National Park is like an art gallery you can climb on. Not only do these martian red rocks make for some extraordinary eye candy, but they’re also laid out like a giant playground. Of course, we did probably break a few rules – quite possibly…
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A Taste of the Great American West

Our road trip lasted for a grand total of 3,052 miles and 14 days. A somewhat spontaneous trip, our aim was simply to get to San Diego and back inside of two weeks, seeing as much as possible for as little $$ as possible along the way. We had a few dots on the map…
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Farewell Time Vampire!

  A few weeks ago we got ourselves an address. When it came time to furnish the place, there was one thing we decided not to include. Ain’t no liquid crystal displays or cathode rays in our humble abode. (more…)
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It’s Okay to Couchsurf – Everybody’s Doing it!

As seen in the tbt* Sometimes when I tell people I couchsurf, they think it’s a sport. When I tell them what Couchsurfing actually is, they think I’m a lunatic for doing it. In fact, according to the Couchsurfing website, there are more than 7 million other lunatics in more than 100,000 cities in every…
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Travel-Brain Auto-Pilot

It’s been three months since I came back to America. I’d like to think that I’ve nearly readjusted to the accents and the fat-tastic food. What I am still struggling to come to terms with is the fact that I am living in a country where travel dreams are trumped by the American dream. (more…)
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Investing in the Future

American, Travel Stories
  Selling all of my possessions and booking a one-way ticket to a foreign country was a no-brainer. Re-investing in my professional future required a bit more convincing. Luckily, while I was hesitating, Alex was taking the plunge and pulling me in with him. Ready or not, I’m going to be a journalist! (more…)
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Keeping My Chin Up

I remember when I was first starting my website. I envisioned something simple that would show off my favorite photos with little anecdotes and travel tid bits. I drew sketches and made lists. Galleries, photo essays, blog posts, videos. An online resume, a Paypal ‘Donation’ button, a social media section – I had ideas for…
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Un(t)ravelled Writer Series: Australian Stuff

The Australian Stuff Series

Australian Stuff
The Australian Stuff Series is a writing project designed to bridge the gap between American and Australian values, kind of. Well, not really. It’s more of a sarcastic commentary on the things I have observed as an American adjusting to life in Australia. For the purpose of this series, I’m going to consider myself a…
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ASS: 1 – Eating Bacon

Australian Stuff
My Australian mother-in-law says American bacon tastes like plastic. We disagree about this because I happen to know that American bacon actually tastes like something Jesus would cook himself for breakfast if he were real. Alternatively, I can tell you what fake Jesus would definitely NOT eat for breakfast, and that’s the warm ambiguous meat…
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ASS: 2 – Test Cricket

Australian Stuff
Let’s talk about Cricket. Not the bug, the game. Both equally exciting, but one is more important to Australians than the other. Honestly, it’s kind of the last thing I would prefer to write about, but this topic is painfully relevant in my daily life, and it’s a subject that many Australians feel strongly about. Those…
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ASS: 3 – Toilets

Australian Stuff
DISCLAIMER: Read this only if you can handle knowing that Shit gets REAL. Also, stay tuned because soon I’ll be posting a tentative schedule for new topics & series ideas to help everyone better understand what I’m trying to do here. In the meantime, read, enjoy, pee your pants laughing, secretly identify – whatever. Toilets are not things that…
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ASS: 4 – Australian Accents

Australian Stuff
Americans love Australian accents. I don’t think I really notice them anymore except when I cannot understand them, and then I am more annoyed than charmed. Just a few short years ago though, I can remember being absolutely enchanted with even the ugliest Australian accents. And yes, there is such a thing. I think most…
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ASS: 5 – R Displacement

Australian Stuff
R Displacement is the bane of my Australian existence. Worse than slimy bacon, boring cricket and crappy toilet layouts combined. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, no worries, mate, because ‘R Displacement’ is a phrase that I actually coined myself. Why? Because I needed a name for the thing that makes me…
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ASS: 6 – Creatures

Australian Stuff
Spiders. If you’re an American, I probably just made you uncomfortable. Add to that, ‘Australian’ and you’re probably now thinking about 8-legged, bird eating, aliens and subsequently equating them with death. On the other hand, if you aren’t currently cringing and involuntarily touching the back of your neck, we’re either on the same level or…
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ASS: 7 – Mullet Mobiles & Utes

Australian Stuff, Series 12
If you’ve ever come across an Australian tourist visiting America, chances are pretty good that you’ve noticed them eye-banging a few very average Ford 150s at one point or another – probably an unimpressive 2001, beige, dual-cab parked in front of community bank? Or maybe you’ve stumbled upon a selfie-sesh in front of a perfectly…
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ASS: 8 – Hallo-What

Australian Stuff
Did you know that Australians don’t do Halloween? Well, they celebrate it, but they don’t actually do Halloween. They dress up a little bit and there’s been talk of candy the last few years, but the overwhelming impression is that Australians just don’t get Halloween. See, in America, Halloween is an expressive time. You can…
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