I’m a small-town American chick from rural upstate NY who grew up in suburban FL. For more than two years I traveled abroad in search of myself, and now I’m back in America exploring the great U.S. of A.
Pipedreams include becoming a Nat Geo staffer, a Picador author, a newspaper columnist, a private business owner and a reptile whisperer.
My personal goal is to earn a creative living in the field of journalism via photography, writing and multi-media story-telling. I just wanna find my groove and boogie.
Life Story
I was 23 years young. I had my youth, my health, my freedom. I exploited them. In September 2011, I left the states with a one-way ticket to Indonesia & beyond. For more than two years, my home-base was a suitcase. I spent 817 nights in beds that were not my own and 817 days in the company of strangers in strange places.
I spent a startling chunk of my time stumbling through Indonesia with my friend KC – our first punch-drunk taste of total freedom – until we finally traded Bintang Pilsners for the Coopers Pale Ales of Australia. Touching down in Queensland, we couch-surfed down the eastern coast from Cairns to Sydney and then, after a weird turn of events, we found ourselves at home in the ass-end of Australia. For four months, we worked hard, played hard and lived the good life in Tasmania.
With winter fast approaching, we high-tailed it back to Indo for one more month of sunny sunshine, which then turned into a 6-month train-wreck. We abandoned our plans of returning to Australia to work on the West coast, and settled into the daily grind in Indonesia. KC signed a contract for a teaching gig and I was suckered into thinking I’d found (an unpaid) dream job working for a travel & lifestyle magazine. Compared to my hospitality-ridden career history it seemed like I’d finally gotten my foot in the door, but it was a sham. Neither myself nor KC were happy with our newfound career endeavors, so KC bailed and headed back to America, and I hit the road back to Western Australia to continue my pursuit of happiness – but not before my passport was stolen and my bank account was nearly empty.
For 3 months I roamed Western Australia from top to bottom with my newly acquired partner, Alexander. When my holiday visa expired in February, I set my sights on New Zealand with some new gonzo dreams. My intention was to dive head first into the unknown to see if I could land on my feet. For four months I made my home in Wellington, working at a cafe to put money in the bank (a trend I hope to break someday) while I spent my free time dabbling with journalism endeavors. Out of the blue, a house-sitting opportunity presented itself in the Taranaki, so I quit my job at the cafe and packed my bags for fresh territory. I saved up a bit of coin, and then Alexander and I set off on an Aotearoa roadtrip. We went from the tippy top to the very bottom and saw almost everything in between. And then, finally, in December 2013, I went home again & Alexander came with me … to be continued.
As an Entrepreneur
When I returned to America after my stint abroad, my journalism resume was pretty lackluster, so I had to improvise with my career ladder. In April 2014 I jumped into a start-up magazine as an intern and by July I was a co-owner and the chief editor. I worked on this endeavor for a year before getting royally ripped-off by my lousy partner. But I learned from it and subsequently created my own little bizniz: Komodo Media LLC. Now I’m currently earning paychecks as a freelance writer & multimedia journalist working from the comfort of my RV’s passenger seat. To the next chapter!